

Carl Scott Denies Mark Levin's Post Constitutional Tyranny Theory Link At The Bottom "Throughout history, government has proved to be the chief instrument for thwarting man's liberty. Government represents power in the hands of some men to control and regulate the lives of other men." Barry Goldwater Last Sunday Carl Scott wrote a blog entitled "How Scandalized Should We Be By The IRS Scandal?" To summarize his scarcely coherent piece, beneath the irritating hubris Scott says he's slightly bothered but he isn't too alarmed by the state our country is in. In his article he states he was "not … [Read more...]

Conservative Giants And The Mental Midgets Who Envy Them

Conservative Giants And The Mental Midgets Who Envy Them

This week we lost another conservative legend when Margaret Thatcher passed away at the age of 87 after suffering from a stroke. Instead of paying tribute to probably the most successful female in the liberty movement, self proclaimed conservative, Ann Coulter, used that day to insult Sarah Palin. I'm sure Sarah is use to it, after all getting stabbed in the back has become a daily event of hers for years now. Palin once again has taken the high road but all of us in the grassroots need to start defending our heroes. I still believe we are a center- right country and if we want free enterprise … [Read more...]

Liberty Isn’t Easy

Liberty Isn’t Easy

This is for the days you are feeling downtrodden and discouraged. To motivate all my fellow patriots: A picture is worth a thousand words. Liberty Isn't Easy Be prepared & inspired to go the distance. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. - Thomas Jefferson 13 Hour speech … [Read more...]

JLinds And The Rinos Strike Back

JLinds And The Rinos Strike Back

Via - The Morlock Revolt- I saw the following cartoons & write up on The Murlock Revolt. Funniest Thing I've seen All Week!!!-Alexis Yesterday marked a historic event in the history of liberty in this country. Senator Rand Paul from Kentucky made a 13 hour filibuster against suggestions from the Obama Administration that American civilians can be killed in drone strikes in the country.  The country was electrified by Senator Paul's passionate plea for liberty.  Several senators joined his cause and stood with him.  But others like stick in the muds John McCain and Lindsey Graham thought … [Read more...]

Mark Levin & The Constitutional Resurgence

Mark Levin & The Constitutional Resurgence

We lost the election in November because the GOP failed to see the tyranny going on in this country and they gave up on the Judeo-Christian values that this nation was founded on. Conservatism is the answer to the question the Republican establishment keeps asking about what is needed to align the party with the will of the people. Yet it's the one answer they are unwilling to accept. They overlook the obvious when seeking why the party lost in 2012. Establishment Republicans, also known as r.i.n.o.s,  want to re-brand the Republican Party by surrendering our principles. These moderate … [Read more...]

Sarah Palin’s Words in honor of MLK

Sarah Palin’s Words in honor of MLK

Today's Wonderful words by Sarah Palin in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.: Today Americans honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It’s been 30 years since President Reagan signed this holiday into law in 1983, followed by its celebration three years later. We continue to look to Dr. King’s teachings which show us that our efforts—though seemingly futile at times—really do matter, that one person’s faith in something greater than self can lift all mankind, and that character alone should be the means whereby a person is measured, rather than the external things on which our … [Read more...]