


We have over 49,000 followers on twitter! I want to thank every single one of you!
I especially want to thank the following people for following us:

    • Senator Ted Cruz
    • Sean Hannity- Fox News
    • David Limbaugh- author, columnist, TV pundit & Rush’s brother
    • Dinesh D’Souza – Film Maker & author
    • Congressman Jim Bridenstine
    • Cal Thomas -syndicated columnist
    • Alveda King – defender of unborn babies and MLK’s niece
    • Billy Hallowell – faith editor at the Blaze
    • Brian Sussman- author & radio show host
    • Larry Elder – TV personality
    • Jenny Beth Martin – from The Tea Party Patriots
    • Buck Sexton – The Blaze TV & Blaze radio
    • Harriet Parke – author who has published books with Glenn Beck

Big Thanks To All!

Join the Party- follow us – @MercuryOneOC




Sex Pistols Queen of Liberty

I think we are at a crossroads in history. I don’t know how this will end but I want to document it. I know the opposition is trying to erase truth from history. I want to leave words behind me so others will know what really happened. I once lived in a time and place when men were free.



Alexis Deacon is currently looking for businesses to invest in that promote constitutional conservatism. She lives in Loudoun County Virginia. She also spends a great deal of time traveling.

My thoughts QOL 2

About Alexis:

Alexis Deacon is the daughter of political campaign managers. She spent much of her childhood handing out buttons for candidates on the campaign trail. She grew up in the Washington D.C. area and got a close look early on of the snobby beltway elitists. She became infuriated watching them express superiority and a desire to control the people who live in “fly over country.” Alexis has a true love for America, it’s people and the heartland. Ms. Deacon comes from a long line of free market loving small business owners on both sides of her family. After college, she started her own business from scratch and built it into a multimillion dollar company in seventeen years. She has specialized skills in target marketing to the 18-30 year old demographic. Alexis continues to be a conservative activist, speaker and writer. To read essays by Alexis Deacon click on the “my thoughts” tab.

My Thoughts:

philadelphia qol
About This Site:
The Queen Of Liberty is an online publication managed by Alexis Deacon, partners and friends. The Queen of Liberty seeks to inform conservatives and to engage them in political discussion in hopes they will be inspired to become involved locally and nationally in politics. Our sites generally appeal to young adult conservatives or anyone any age with a sense of humor and a youthful whimsical spirit. Our patriotic editors share a love of politics, music, art, skateboarding and pop punk culture.

Too many Tea Parties today want to hush up on social issues and sweep God under the rug. We aren’t afraid like them. You won’t find that here. We won’t play into the Left’s war on God. We believe in being conservative on ALL fronts. We are not ashamed of the social issues or faith like so many today. We believe in Reagan’s 3 legged stool: fiscal, social & strong national defense. We do not try to pander on amnesty or immigration. We believe unapologetic faith based conservatism will create Reaganesque landslide victories. And we are building a coalition of people who feel the same way. Don’t fall for political groups who use Reagan’s name in vain. He was a man of faith who stood for the unborn. Some Republicans shun traditional marriage and life, they rewrite Reagan’s three legged stool on their web sites and tell us to keep topics strictly economical. Of course that’s important but so are the other two legs. These same groups surround themselves with Reagan’s colleagues and cloak themselves in his words but they can’t hide from God & the Truth. God will help America like he always has if we have the faith & strength to stand with him unashamed. If you exclude God you will continue to lose. These are wicked, dark, post constitutional days we live in and yes, we are all sinners. However, if you are an American conservative and a child of Abraham in this time period, we believe you have been called here for a reason! We can save our culture and our country. We love all our liberty punks! You are the true soldiers of freedom. There is a constitutional resurgence brewing. Join the movement. Be part of the death to tyranny.

“Conservatism is NOT an economic theory, though it has economic implications. The shoe is precisely on the other foot: it is Socialism that subordinates all other considerations to man’s material well-being. It is Conservatism that puts material things in their proper place- that has a structured view of the human being and of human society, in which economics plays only a subsidiary role….The Conservative believes that man is, in part, an economic, an animal creature; but that he is also a spiritual creature with spiritual needs and spiritual desires. What is more, these needs and desires reflect the SUPERIOR side of man’s nature, and thus take precedence over his economic wants. Conservatism therefore looks upon the enhancement of man’s spiritual nature as the primary concern of political philosophy.” Barry Goldwater

Nobody makes any money from this web site. Quite the opposite, it costs money to run it. We want it to be a place to share information, hang out, talk, debate and have fun. “The cause – we’re just doing it for the cause”

Special thanks to Deborah Kish, Stephen Webber, Marissa Williams and Devon Sanders who help make this web site possible.

*This site is not affiliated with Alexis Deacon the illustrator
*This site is not affiliated with a person who posts on Ron Paul sites by the handle Queen of Liberty

reagan god good BNsaAaOCIAEsMyb

dear gop

Hey GOP Establishment, We are watching you!

my eyes big

my eyebrows 2

By the way, how do you like the new way I styled my eyebrows? 🙂 I have to talk about something other than politics once in awhile or my brain will explode, lol.

ad sm

Hello My Lovelies!
To all who visit this site: I am in my fabulous forties. I am a whimsical, passionate, patriotic Reaganite Warrior wanting to connect with other Reaganite Warriors! 😉 I live in Loudoun County Virginia and I also spend time traveling. I’m a conservative writer, speaker and Tea Party activist. I’m young at heart and I live to laugh and have fun. I really want this site to be a place where people feel comfortable hanging out, talking, debating, organizing and planning how to take our country back. I never surrender if it is something I love, therefore, I will never give up on America. Have fun! I love you and God bless!
❤ Alexis


  1. Nice blog. 🙂 Thank you for liking my poem on Mind’s Seat by the way. God bless!! 🙂

  2. I often hear this site mentioned on The Glenn Beck Program. Good work.



  4. Marc Dawson says:

    How can a woman be as brilliant and beautiful as Alexis Deacon? Alexis, how many times a day do you get told you are beautiful? 5 or 6 hundred. Okay 601. Just saying.

  5. Meryl Cibrian says:

    Alexis, I enjoyed the speech you gave in Virginia Beach this week. I am a big fan of yours!
    Meryl Cibrian

  6. Pat Daskaloff says:

    Alexis- I saw you speaking in Delaware the other day for our conservative action group. Your speech moved me to tears. It was terrific. Like you, I am so worried about our country. Also, you are so pretty. I love your eyes. You look like a modern day Elizabeth Taylor. Best of luck to you in all your endeavors.

  7. Miles Breslin says:

    Alexis Deacon’s personality reminds me of Sarah Palin. She sort of looks like her also.

  8. Max in CT says:

    I saw Mark Levin and Alexis Deacon at cpac last weekend. I tried to get both of them to go have coffee with me but they had to go someplace. Good luck. Max in CT

  9. Bob G. Taylor says:

    Hi Alexis,
    It was nice meeting you at CPAC. Let’s go out to lunch and talk politics. I remember you said you liked the crab cakes at the Blue Ridge Grill. Email me.

    Bob G. Taylor

  10. This is my favorite conservative website. Thank you for all you do for the country and thank you for all you do for charitable causes.

  11. Gordon Alatorre says:

    I couldn’t agree more with this article. Anything of importance comes in threes, spirit, mind and body and the government has been running on mind and body and it’s in a mess! It’s time to bring the spirit, spirituality or if you choose to call him God back into government to make it whole again!

  12. This is a kick ass cool site! Thnx!
    Patriot Nick Z

  13. Alexis Deacon is the voice of a true grassroots movement against the beltway elite. I saw her speak in Boston last month. She is an articulate knowledgeable conservative who can inspire and lead the people. And she looks like Megan Fox’s twin. They have the exact same eyes.

  14. Krista Vess says:

    Alexis Deacon, I have seen you speak before. Your life story is miserably sorrowful with the way your children and family died. However, it is also inspirational. I have seen how persecuted you have been in Maryland and how people tried to drag your name through the mud for your conservative beliefs but you pressed on in spite of it all and stood tall. Thank you for all you do. You are an unsung hero. I hope one day the entire nation can hear you speak.- Krista

  15. Nice chance to get to know you, Alexis! We share a lot of the same views. Thank you for standing firm, bold, and unwavering in your faith, your convictions, and your passion. I thought that there weren’t any and now you show me that there are others out there and we MUST band together if we are to reclaim our country back! God bless you richly!

  16. I salute you, brave Queen of Liberty : )

  17. Alexis, Thanks for following FIGHTER FAITH. I’m providing a free copy of my e-book Far Better Men to service members, veterans, and e-mail subcribers. Come on back if you’re interested in this free digital download. Glad to connect!

  18. Scott Drew says:

    Alexis, I’ve enjoyed every Queen of Liberty post since signing up. In total agreement. We are kindred Constitutional/Conservative spirits. Rock on!

  19. “LET FREEDOM RING” God Bless, We the People, are first and for most a “REPUBLIC” I love what you have done done here, I’m with you all the way. We need to go back to the “Original Constitution” The Act of 1871 needs to be abolished, it was never even signed in by a president it has all been illegally done right under our noses, we live under 2 constitutions the “Original one is the one they are trying to shred. We must bring this country back to what it once was. One nation under “GOD”. or we will be destroyed along with it.

  20. gentlemangene says:

    If I’m ever In your part of the world,could we (your family) hang out ,talk politics, and eat some good cooking. GRC

  21. Eric Kloss says:

    I met you at CPAC this year. I would love to go get some coffee with you the next time I am in the D.C. area. Keep in touch.

  22. Thanks 🙂

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