Reagan Right, Rubin Wrong

Reagan Right, Rubin Wrong

Reagan Right, Rubin Wrong I remember when America had a president who loved the country so much he kissed the flag, instead of the President we have now who bows to Arabs. Mark Levin posted an article yesterday by Jennifer Rubin criticizing Reagan and modern Reagan conservatives. For those of you unfamiliar with Jennifer Rubin, she is one of those Potemkin journalists who pretends to be conservative and then constantly criticizes conservatism. To paraphrase Reagan, Jennifer, the trouble with you is not that you are ignorant. It's just that you know so much that isn't so. Unfortunately … [Read more...]

Who is The Guy With The Golden Gun?

Who is The Guy With The Golden Gun?

"Who is the guy with the golden gun? Is it true he's Bin Laden's son?" That has been a little song and poem going around social media this week. Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi is a Saudi national once identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston Marathon attack. Glenn Beck and The Blaze broke an exclusive story about him Monday of this week after Beck gave the White House the weekend to come clean on his radio show last Friday. This intriguing story becomes more interesting every day. Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi was at the Boston Marathon and close enough to the bomb to get hurt and admitted … [Read more...]

Daniel Hannan, Margaret Thatcher And Shakespeare

Daniel Hannan, Margaret Thatcher And Shakespeare

I am a Shakespeare geek and I am also an immense fan of Daniel Hannan who is a member of the European Parliament, representing South East England for the Conservative Party. When I saw Daniel Hannan had written this article about Shakespeare's words and what he said about Margaret Thatcher, I wanted to repost it for some of our local Tea Party members who might not have seen it. The talk of Thatcher's funeral was overshadowed by the terror attack in Boston and Shakespeare's birthday was April 23rd. This was originally posted last week by Hannan but it is worth a read. - Alexis By Daniel … [Read more...]

Conservatives are Public Enemy Number One

Conservatives are Public Enemy Number One

I'm sick of the government, the media and Hollywood treating and portraying conservatives as public enemy number one! Ted Cruz is one of the best and most credentialed conservative politicians we have had in a long time. He went to Washington D.C. like the character Mr. Smith with real conviction and the intent of saving our Republic. In less than 100 days he has fearlessly shaken up the establishment. This makes him an immediate target for the Left. Their idol, Saul Alinsky, reminds them to isolate the target and they are more than happy to oblige. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize … [Read more...]

Terror Suspect Tsarnaev Described As A Pothead

Terror Suspect Tsarnaev Described As A Pothead

VIA Boston CBS DARTMOUTH (CBS) – The UMass Dartmouth campus was evacuated on Friday out of an abundance of caution after the school learned that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, was a sophomore there and lived on campus. University officials confirmed that Tsarnaev lived in a dorm on campus. Fellow students described Tsarnaev as both a “pothead” and a soccer fanatic. Two of his classmates told WBZ-TV that he was on the soccer team, but missed practice on Monday and they hadn’t heard from him since. Two other students, however, said they had seen him … [Read more...]

Reagan’s Words About God Can Still Give Us Hope

Reagan’s Words About God Can Still Give Us Hope

To My fellow Patriots: After this sad week in America, please watch this comforting Reagan video on God. Thank you to John Silvius for sending me such a perfectly appropriate video. Remember real hope & change? Remember when America had a real leader & President? … [Read more...]

This Morning IN Boston – Citizen Video

This Morning IN Boston – Citizen Video … [Read more...]

Fall Out Boy To Donate Proceeds From Boston Show To Marathon Terrorist Bombing Victims

Fall Out Boy To Donate Proceeds From Boston Show To Marathon Terrorist Bombing Victims

Fall Out Boy have announced they will be donating all proceeds from their upcoming show at the Tsongas Arena in Boston, MA (September 6th) to the victims of the marathon bombings. The following is a message from the band: "As you guys all know we’ve been beyond excited for today to come and normally this would be a day of celebration with the release of our new album. In light of the events in Boston yesterday we’d like to send our thoughts and prayers to the victims and everyone affected. We’ll be donating the proceeds from our upcoming boston show from the fall tour at Tsongas arena … [Read more...]

Video Of Sen. Ted Cruz Paying Tribute To Margaret Thatcher

Video Of Sen. Ted Cruz Paying Tribute To Margaret Thatcher

Sen. Ted Cruz Pays Tribute to Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Rest In Peace to Margaret Thatcher, one of the greatest conservative role models of this century. You will be missed. … [Read more...]

Two Years Ago Al Qaeda was harnessing Ricin For Attacks On America

Two Years Ago Al Qaeda was harnessing Ricin For Attacks On America

From 2011: Al Qaeda trying to harness toxin for bombs, U.S. officials fear Yemen affiliate seeks castor beans to make ricin for attacks on America Link to original article below: By ERIC SCHMITT and THOM SHANKER via The New York Times American counterterrorism officials are increasingly concerned that the most dangerous regional arm of Al Qaeda is trying to produce the lethal poison ricin, to be packed around small explosives for attacks against the United States. For more than a year, according to classified intelligence reports, Al Qaeda's affiliate in Yemen has been … [Read more...]