Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq – Will They Fall Into The Hands of ISIS?

Weapons of Mass Destruction In Iraq – Will They Fall Into The Hands of ISIS?

Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq- Video from Fox News Press arrow to play Please comment … [Read more...]

ISIS – Coming Soon To A Neighborhood Near You

ISIS – Coming Soon To A Neighborhood Near You

From The Daily Signal- “[The Islamic State] has a great number of personnel that they’ve recruited, foreign fighters from Western European countries, some of which are in a visa-waiver program,” says The Heritage Foundation’s Steve Bucci. “They have passports that would not flag them for any special attention.” Watch the full interview on the current situation in Iraq with Daily Signal senior contributor Genevieve Wood and Bucci, director of Heritage’s Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign and National Security Policy: The Daily Signal   … [Read more...]

# ن : How an Arabic letter was reclaimed to support Iraq’s persecuted Christians

# ن : How an Arabic letter was reclaimed to support Iraq’s persecuted Christians

ن #ن: How an Arabic letter was reclaimed to support Iraq’s persecuted Christians By Thomas Seymat Via Euronews- Over the weekend, while the world’s gaze was on Gaza and Syria, the situation of Christians in northern Iraq took a sharp turn for the worse, with thousands forced to flee their homes. The situation is so dire that a social media campaign has been launched to try to reclaim the very symbol of persecution against these Christians and to try and raise awareness about their fate. With a weekend ultimatum to either convert to Islam, submit to their radical rule and pay a … [Read more...]