Cruz Proposes Bill to Label Brotherhood, CAIR as Terror Orgs.

Cruz Proposes Bill to Label Brotherhood, CAIR as Terror Orgs.

Cruz Proposes Bill to Label Brotherhood, CAIR as Terror Orgs. BY RYAN MAURO Via Clarion Project - In what may be a seminal moment in the fight against radical Islam, presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has introduced legislation to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. The impressively-detailed bill identifies three Brotherhood entities in the U.S. including the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). The Muslim Brotherhood is not currently banned in the U.S. because it is not listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. Remarkably, its … [Read more...]

Muslim Brotherhood Organization that Met with Obama White House Calls for Islamic War Against Israel

Muslim Brotherhood Organization that Met with Obama White House Calls for Islamic War Against Israel

by Jordan Schachtel Via Breitbart- The head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), a Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated group, called upon fellow Islamists and Arabs to declare holy war against Israel “for the sake of Palestine.” According to a translation provided by the Center for Security Policy: Dr. Ali Al-Qaradaghi – the Secretary General of the International Union of Muslim Scholars – called on the Islamic and Arab peoples to rise up in all parts of the world for the sake of Palestine and Jerusalem since it is the central issue of the nation, and therefore pressure must … [Read more...]

Muslim Brotherhood Launches US Political Network to Promote Sharia Law and anti Israel rhetoric

Muslim Brotherhood Launches US Political Network to Promote Sharia Law and anti Israel rhetoric

The Civilization Jihad Muslim Brotherhood Launches US Political Network to Promote Sharia Law and anti Israel rhetoric Hat Tip Gateway Pundit for the video Jim Hoft - Via The Gateway Pundit - The radical Muslim Brotherhood has built up a political network that seeks to turn Muslims into a voting block. The group is hoping to institutionalize favorable policies like Shariah law in the US. Via Investor's Business Daily- With an eye toward the 2016 election, the radical Muslim Brotherhood has built the framework for a political party in America that seeks to turn Muslims into an … [Read more...]

Why the Media Doesn’t Cover Islamic Jihadist Attacks on Middle East Christians

Why the Media Doesn’t Cover Islamic Jihadist Attacks on Middle East Christians

Why the Media Doesn’t Cover Jihadist Attacks on Middle East Christians By Raymond Ibrahim Via The Blaze The United Nations, Western governments, media, universities, and talking heads everywhere insist that Palestinians are suffering tremendous abuses from the state of Israel. Conversely, the greatest human rights tragedy of our time—radical Muslim persecution of Christians, including in Palestinian controlled areas—is devotedly ignored. The facts speak for themselves. Reliable estimates indicate that anywhere from 100-200 million Christians are persecuted every year; one Christian … [Read more...]

New Film About The Muslim Brotherhood Inside The U.S.

New Film About The Muslim Brotherhood Inside The U.S.

A new documentary details the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States. Jihad In America? Please watch the video, like & comment The films web site: … [Read more...]

Egypt -Persecution of Christians Continue

Egypt -Persecution of Christians Continue

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Muslim Brotherhood Steps Up Attacks On Coptic Christians In Egypt

Muslim Brotherhood Steps Up Attacks On Coptic Christians In Egypt

Video: Growing number of attacks on Christian Churches and businesses in Egypt … [Read more...]

Weiner’s Wife And The Muslim Brotherhood

Weiner’s Wife And The Muslim Brotherhood

Good article from earlier this week by one of our favorites, Andrew McCarthy. The Huma Unmentionables -By Andrew C. McCarthy -Via National Review- Charlotte’s revulsion over Huma Abedin’s calculated “stand by your man” routine is surely right. Still, it is amazing, as we speculate about Ms. Abedin’s political future, that the elephant in the room goes unnoticed, or at least studiously unmentioned. Sorry to interrupt the Best Enabler of a Sociopath Award ceremony but, to recap, Ms. Abedin worked for many years at a journal that promotes Islamic-supremacist ideology that was founded by a … [Read more...]